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This year marks our foray into the world of film making and we come armed with experience and opportunities. Our programs have been carefully crafted by professionals in the field. We believe in pedagogical approach to help prepare students. The aim of our programs is to polish their skills and to prepare them for the challenging yet thrilling area of film making, transforming them into polyvalent film makers who are capable of accepting the challenges. Master classes, visiting veterans and a team of dedicated professionals ensure that the students hone their skills with proper guidance. We believe that the amateurs of today are the experts of tomorrow.

2,356 +
Satisfied Peoples
4,563 +
Project Complate

15 Years Experiance

Courses Offered


A direction is a storyteller through the lens. We understand the nuances of the craft and hence our team of professionals foster you to have an in-depth knowledge of screenwriting, cinematography, acting, sound recording and other design aspects.


Acting, a mimetic mode, requires coalescence of emotions, imagination and the right demeaner. At RIFTI we understand the importance of every facet, we dwell on polishing the acting skills, with the right professional guidance.


Editing is a skill which takes a movie from good to great. We understand the understated potential of editing and hence we have specially curated a program which is synchronous balance of technical knowledge and developing creative edge.

Sound Designing

A sound designer infuses life into visuals. The program is carefully designed to teach the intricacies of record sound hand in hand with the complexities of the post-production work.


Known as Director of photography, a cinematographer is a pro at harnessing both artistic and technical capabilities and at RIFTI, we train them to be an amalgam of both.

Script Writing

Script your way to success with our warily created program for script writing. A script forms the backbone of a film and a well written script is half battle won when it comes to film making.


Our Photography department being distinctive, harbours the best talent, priding itself with uniqueness of approaching the subject. We refrain from limiting our students within the confinements of set rules of the craft.

Colour Grading

Tailored to include every prerequisite and skill to become a pro at colour grading, RIFTI guides the students from the beginner’s level to advanced training. This enables them produce visuals that become a part of the story presented on screen.

Tv News Reading

TV News Reading and Anchoring course aims at enriching the required skill set to train the students to excel in the field. The methodologies put to use by our professionals are effective and in accordance with the latest curriculum.


You foray into the world of films as a dubbing artist, complemented with professional training can pave way for your career, RIFTI gives that professional touch. Our team of trained professionals


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